Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wait was that Joy?

ah, I found something to smile about today.
I guess I am somewhat wanted in this world.

I let Izham take over Englishjer for one day and people seem to love him tremendously. Way to set the standard, bro.

Great that I had help for the Media and Politics assignment. 10 pages in one day, that must be a record. It's due 10am today and I just wrapped it up at 8. I hope I can finish my research paper on time, it's insane the amount of work I left out.

So long, blog. Maybe I'll see you again soon. Maybe not.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

still no.

Am I making a point to blog as frequently as I can?


In the library now, there's mooting practice going on. Well, there's only me and Lia here now.

I have no idea what we're doing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Sometimes we forget the beauty of being lost and out of place.

I took a stroll in Melaka town. Started half an hour after midnight and I ended up back where I started around 7am. I had great company.

It was.. calming. I mean, I've been through the streets of Jonker too many times to count, but seeing it at 2am is just something different. All of it were the same, but too different to say so. Your senses are hightened, seeing things you normally wouldn't see.

The darkness was darker, the lights seem to have more and more shades.

The was a man sleeping on the side of the street, an angry person shouting in McDonalds and challenging one of the workers to a fight because he could not get what he ordered, police patrol cars were seen every 5 minutes around the area, and I could hear the delicate calls of the birds. Not all were inviting, but that's just life.

I saw street signs and writing on the walls that I could just stop and grasp for a little while longer, traces of litterbugs, how the water level was considerably lower in the river, and just the overall energy of the town. How slowly it breathed.

I found myself wanting to get lost even more, exploring everywhere familiar. Even myself.

Ah, bliss. Thank you for holding my hand. May we get lost again.

Monday, April 8, 2013

This Divide

I feel like I'm slowly separating my personalities into different compartments and all of them are in hard to reach places.

Funny, I don't feel like I need help, or is it I'm just in rejection of the world again. Interesting. I am probably refusing to admit I have problems. Life is not taking me through the walk-through properly. I keep finding myself in unfavourable situations. But hey, this is probably the ups and downs they warned us about.

No, actually I was not warned.

Probaly I'm being a little bitch about it. But I should probably put the burden on these so called warners I created in my head. Come to think of it, it's unimportant whether they warned me or not. I'd hate it if they kept warning me about the dangers of the world. what they give me were much more important. Positive outlook in life, for life.

I grew up thinking the world is a magical place, and the magic is within us. Some just choose not to believe.

Please don't let me be one of them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So I started a new blog (again)

Well then, here we are again.

I think I've been blogging on and off since I was 14 but now I suppose I have a new direction in life now (like hundreds of times before) and I'm more ready to blog about stuff.

Personal matters first. I started @Englishjer on 4th of January, around four of five days before the start of my final exams. Glad that didn't disrupt any of my exam plans, not like I had any. But the support I have been recieving is quite overwhelming. The total follower count is reaching 2000 after a month without any marketing or promotional regime.

I get to promote AwefullyWritten there too! lovely.

Let's not let it get too much into my head, I still have my research paper to do.

So, well here it is. A blog called inteleklektual. I don't know what I would be taking about here but I'll talk about something. I always talk about something.

Let's hope I talk about things that matter this time.